Yoni Massage, Seriously?

Getting a yoni massage or practicing it on your own might seem like a completely ridiculous idea to many women. However, do you know that this could be the most interesting way to explore your sexuality and enhance your sex life?

The most important thing while practicing yoni massage is to set the scene right before you begin with it. “Yoni” means “vagina” in Sanskrit. You have to be open about it and keep your mind and heart flexible before you begin with this stimulation. You have to free yourself and your body from any kind of judgment and discard any opinions or preconceived notions about yoni massage from your mind.

Just begin by lying on your back in a very comfortable position and for that you will need to pick a spot in your home that supports your back, your shoulders and your neck. You can put a pillow under your hips or your knees and can also firmly put your feet on the ground if you are using some recliner or a sofa. Keep your favorite massage oil close to you and you may also use a diffuser to fragrance the air around you. The stage is set for the yoni massage to begin.

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